About me

This is a blog about my creative and maintenance related endeavors as a new home owner. My blog will focus primarily on the creative projects I have taken on, both successes and failures, with a separate page on some of the amateur maintenance projects I have taken on. I hope to continue to challenge myself to take on new projects on a budget. Since I am still on the job search, this is an important element of my work.

My mother is a genius with interior design and would constantly be updating our house and anyone else's that would let her. So even though our styles are very different I have always had an eye for room layouts, fun new projects to take on, color schemes and the like. I have also volunteered on a few construction projects with organizations like Habitat for Humanity and have watched a fair share of HGTV, so although I in no way consider myself a professional, considering all my construction knowledge is second hand and beginner, I have enough background to figure out what I am doing.

*Also check out my other blog on fashion design: Stina Marie Couture*

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